Open questions

Here you can see questions asked by other users. If you answer these question, your answers may be inserted into the FAQ.

Date / User Question
2018-02-10 04:38
Reports & Templates:
How do you differentiate the Sweet 16 standings (and other reports) from the regular pool?
2020-03-14 18:14
Martin Kolb
How do I get a refund?
2021-03-15 00:52
Bryan Forbes
How are COVID exits treated within the point system? Is there flexibility built in to customize the way it's handled. I've been using OfficePool for 20+ years (thanks guys), but this is a new hurdle for me!
2021-03-19 14:39
bruce fichandler
when i try to add teams, i get the four playin games listed with both teams as opposed to the winners.
2022-02-18 16:48
Roger Killion
In my email receipt, it states that the women's teams will be available on Monday around 7 PM. This year, the women's selections will also be on Sunday, so should I assume that this was simply an oversight and that the teams will be available on Sunday, about 2 hours after they are announced? Also, this year, the women's tournament is also adding "First Four" games, although no mention is made of this change in the software or email receipt. Will your software be supporting the "First Four" games in the women's tournament as you do with the men's? Thanks! Great software! I've been using it for YEARS! Roger
2023-03-04 16:35
Marty Rabinowitz
Can I order the list of brackets to display alphabetically without restarting? When I update the display name on a bracket it stays in the original order until I save and close the program and then restart. Is there a way to update the order after a change without restarting?
2023-03-09 05:02
Steve Larson
Does the software not work with Windows 11? You don't have it listed and I can't even get it to open the exe file, just got a new laptop with Windows 11 a week ago
2024-03-07 16:14
Bob Homan
Reports & Templates:
How do I edit the Rules? Is there a master index page that opens by default? I don't get a "Rebuild" website option
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