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- I am trialling this software for potential use. I have entered 13 games worth of data and am having as problem with 1 data field. If I look at BOXSCORE report it shows all of my players 'singles' per game. However when I look at Overall Games report, it reports '0' singles for all players. Any new game I enter from now, shows the singles. IS there a way of 'fixing' the previous 13 games so the singles appear in the overall games report
- Where is the "Additional Instructions" field? Also, I'd like to be able to have access to the last 2,3,4,and 5 games for both league and non league
- Is there a way to run a report filtered for just overall league games?
- I am having problems printing my roster. All I get are three headings and no names or numbers. What is the secret to printing/viewing a soccer (or any sport) roster?
- Can I see in records Field "Min" in format min:sec?
- I think your calculations are incorrect. PA = plate appearances. In baseball a Plate Appearance happens only on a hit, or an out. If he walks a PA is not recorded. Your software seems to want PA’s to include walks.
- I have a Boxscore Report but it shows boxscores for all games. How do I show boxscores for only "League" and "Post-Season" (or some other type)?
- What does APP (pitching stat) mean and where does the filed populate from?
- I've entered game data for five games and then look at reports, e.g., pitching, and it comes back with a great report. I then save and re-open and get nothing in the report, although all the data is still there, as it calculates, e.g., ERA for each game - just no individual stats. Same goes for box scores - data is there but it won't produce a box score for game(s).
- Hey there, How do I make a report by certain games? Say all Saturday games (certain games by date)?
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