If you purchased your Mac in 2006 or later you are probably using an Intel processor. To be sure, select "About This Mac" from the Apple menu and look at the Processor being used.
If you purchased your Mac in 2006 or later you are probably using an Intel processor. To be sure, select "About This Mac" from the Apple menu and look at the Processor being used.
Author: Paul
Last update: 2009-11-23 19:13
As long as you have Statbook version 3.2 (or higher), this is now possible. Be sure to check out the Videos Page for a short tutorial on how to do this. The basic steps are as follows:
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2009-11-24 19:06
You would add a statistic and call it "PosInn7", for example. See the short video which shows how to add a statistic from this link: http://statbook.pachysoft.com/helpvideos.html
After you add the stat, you will need to then add it to the report (video shows this as well).
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-03-08 19:22
Yes, this was an oversight and , yes, this can be fixed. All reports and fields can be edited by selecting a report and selecting the Reports -> Edit Reports menu item (or by double-clicking on a report or field).
To fix this particular problem, do the following steps:
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-04-28 16:56
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-04-28 16:43
The process would go something like this:
After each game, you would repeat this process. There is no database involved. Just more files are created after each game and some pages (i.e. Reports) are updated.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-04-28 17:22
You can re-order the input by selecting the row and then dragging it to the position you like.
After you set it up how you want it for for one game, simply select that game and then, with the game selected, add a new game (e.g. select the '+' button). This will add a new game with the same order (among other attributes.)
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-04-28 17:26
This has been fixed in version 3.3.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-04-28 18:52
APP stands for appearances or number of times a pitcher appears in a game.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-05-03 18:51
This sounds like you may have unknowingly
"collapsed" the pitching area. If this is true, here's how to fix:
you hold you mouse near the bottom-middle of the window, the mouse
cursor will change to a "cross with top/bottom arrows". Once it does,
click and drag it up to show the stats.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-06-07 22:13
While baseball appears to be the primary focus on the website, all the information from the videos
and FAQs could be applied to basketball or soccer. In fact, the way
Statbook is structured, you could customize a file to keep track of any
sport. The templates provided are merely starting points, where most
users customize reports, input statistics and roster information to
their liking.
Bottom line is support for Statbook is identical across all sports.
Please feel free to keep using Statbook in trial mode until you are
completely satisfied Statbook is the right choice.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-06-19 17:59
First check that you are using version 3.0 or higher (About Statbook menu item). If it's 2.x, a 3.0 serial number will not work as this was not a free upgrade. If you need a 2.x serial number, please use the following form: http://statbook.pachysoft.com/php/LostRegistrationNumber.php
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2011-02-21 17:16
Baseball Statbook 2.0.4:
Baseball Statbook 1.5:
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2012-02-03 18:02
I'm not sure "sync" is the right word but you can take desktop Statbook
created plist files (see the iPhone tab, "Save..." button) and then copy
this file to the iPhone app using iTunes.
To get the data from the iPhone back into the desktop Statbook
application, this can be done via email ("Share" tab). Once you download
the plist attachment, simply use the "Load File" button from within the
desktop Statbook application.
It's more of a manual sync at this point. There are more specific
steps in the Help area of the iPhone App if you need more information.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-09-18 15:47
The iPhone app is free but does not allow for reports and managing your stats.
Here is a link which may help you understand the iPhone App and desktop App interact as well as the steps to import and export.
Link: http://statbook.pachysoft.com/iphone_help.html
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-09-23 20:21
Please see this FAQ on how to add a player to a previous game:
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-11-05 00:09
Yes, Statbook is compatible with Mac OS X 10.7 (AKA Lion) and is also available from the Mac App Store.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2012-02-03 18:09
We try to respond to every email but most times you don't get a response is because you are using (through some service like Barracuda) or the response is filtered by your ISP or our response is sent to your SPAM account. If you send two or more emails without a response then try using a service like Yahoo! Mail or Google Mail.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2012-09-28 15:42
From the documentation pages, please see this link: http://statbook.pachysoft.com/Documentation/Help/inputLists.html
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2012-09-28 15:47
NOTE: These steps are for the Baseball template. For other sports, the menu items may have different names but the method is identical.
Author: Paul
Last update: 2009-11-24 18:26
Follow these steps to add a statistic to a report.
Be sure to check out the video on how to add a statistic in the Videos Section.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2009-11-24 18:24
Follow these steps to change the ERA innings pitched setting:
Repeat this procdure for all reports which use an ERA calculation.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2009-11-24 18:42
For an overall report, the following would be put in the Result field (edit report mode, add new field):
(sum(s.Single+s.Double+s.Triple+s.HomeRun+s.Walks+s.HitByPitch)*1.0/sum(s.Plate)) + ((sum(s.Single)+2*sum(s.Double)+3*sum(s.Triple)+4*sum(s.HomeRun))*1.0/sum(s.Plate-s.Walks-s.HitByPitch-s.Sacrifice))
You also want to make sure the Format is: #0.000
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2009-11-24 18:31
After you add the new player (Players -> Add Player menu item), follow these steps:
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2009-11-24 18:34
You may also want to take a look at the sample file from the Statbook Downloads Page. From this file:
From a new (default) file, the "Positions" set is not a saved set but can be created using the following procedure:
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2009-11-24 18:40
Yes, but it can get complicated. If you are familiar with SQL this will come naturally. If not, then feel free to make a request.
For the problem above, this will create what you are looking for (The Result field when editing a report):
p.first || " " || p.last || " " || "(" || (s.Single+s.Double+s.Triple+s.HomeRun) || "-" || (s.Plate-s.Walks-s.HitByPitch-s.Sacrifice) || (CASE WHEN s.Double=1 THEN ", 2B" ELSE (CASE WHEN s.Double>1 THEN ", " || s.Double || " 2B" ELSE "" END) END) || (CASE WHEN s.Triple=1 THEN ", 3B" ELSE (CASE WHEN s.Triple>1 THEN ", " || s.Triple || " 3B" ELSE "" END) END) || (CASE WHEN s.HomeRun=1 THEN ", HR" ELSE (CASE WHEN s.HomeRun>1 THEN ", " || s.HomeRun || " HR" ELSE "" END) END) || (CASE WHEN s.RBI=1 THEN ", RBI" ELSE (CASE WHEN s.RBI>1 THEN ", " || s.RBI || " RBIs" ELSE "" END) END) || (CASE WHEN s.Runs=1 THEN ", Run" ELSE (CASE WHEN s.Runs>1 THEN ", " || s.Runs || " Runs" ELSE "" END) END) || ")"
You can also go to the Statbook Downloads Page and import a similar example report (See the More Reports download link)
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2009-11-24 18:58
Yes, you can get the 'Totals' line in the correct format by following these steps:
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2009-11-24 19:01
Yes, this was an oversight and , yes, this can be fixed. All reports and fields can be edited by selecting a report and selecting the Reports -> Edit Reports menu item (or by double-clicking on a report or field).
To fix this particular problem, do the following steps:
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-04-28 16:56
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-04-28 16:43
There was a problem with rounding in earlier formulas for the teriary IP favorites. This is now fixed in versions 3.3 or higher.
To fix this problem is files created in versions 3.2.2 or less, do the following steps:
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2011-06-02 17:31
From the "Preferences" panel, under "Report Popup Menu Options", you will need to modify the "Filter" option under the "Game (Boxscore) Type column. The default is "<none>" which shows boxscores for all games. To allow for only League and Post-season game types, select:
WHERE GameType = 'League' OR GameType = 'Post-Season'
To allow for a custom Game Type, you can type in the combination box something like:
WHERE GameType = 'League' OR GameType = 'Tournament'
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-06-19 18:04
I'm not sure "sync" is the right word but you can take desktop Statbook
created plist files (see the iPhone tab, "Save..." button) and then copy
this file to the iPhone app using iTunes.
To get the data from the iPhone back into the desktop Statbook
application, this can be done via email ("Share" tab). Once you download
the plist attachment, simply use the "Load File" button from within the
desktop Statbook application.
It's more of a manual sync at this point. There are more specific
steps in the Help area of the iPhone App if you need more information.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-09-18 15:47
The iPhone app is free but does not allow for reports and managing your stats.
Here is a link which may help you understand the iPhone App and desktop App interact as well as the steps to import and export.
Link: http://statbook.pachysoft.com/iphone_help.html
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-09-23 20:21
Please see this FAQ on how to add a player to a previous game:
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-11-05 00:09
Yes. There are multiple ways to do this but the easiest is to update the Additional Instructions area of a duplicated report. Here's how to do this:
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2011-04-09 16:39
To copy Batting Order: If you first select any game and then add a new game, the batting order is used from the selected game.
To Copy all other data, including positions, you simple create a Duplicate of the game (Reports -> Duplicate Reports menu item). To keep only positions, you would zero out/clear the other statistics.
You can quickly to this by entering 0's or blanks in the top row and then entering into "Selection Mode" (Edit -> Selection Mode menu item). Drag to select all the top row and then choose the Edit -> Fill Down menu item.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2011-04-09 16:37
So, the "Additional Instructions" field in near the top-left of the Edit Reports window (right below the two check-boxes, "Show Totals" and "Group With Next".
To get to the Edit Reports window, either double-click on a report (or a report field) or select a report and then choose the Reports -> Edit Reports... menu item.
To have a "League" only report, you would put this text in the "Additional Instructions" field (making sure "GROUP BY p.ID" is a separate line):
Where g.GameType="League"
The Pitching report would look like this:
WHERE s.pitched='1' AND g.GameType="League"
Let's go one step further and say you want a League report but only show the "Active" players on your roster. This would look like:
Where g.GameType="League" AND p.Active='1'
The Pitching report would not need to change since an inactive player should not have pitched.
Now let's say you want to a report that shows the last 5 games, for League games only:
Where g.GameType="League" AND p.Active='1' AND s.gameID IN (SELECT g.id FROM games g ORDER BY g.gameNo DESC LIMIT 0,5)
Last 2 games would look like:
Where g.GameType="League" AND p.Active='1' AND s.gameID IN (SELECT g.id FROM games g ORDER BY g.gameNo DESC LIMIT 0,2)
Changed the '5' to a '2'
For Non-League reports, simply replace "League" in the above examples with "Non-League".
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2011-04-22 19:07
Follow these steps to add a statistic to a report.
Be sure to check out the video on how to add a statistic in the Videos Section.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2009-11-24 18:24
Follow these steps to change the ERA innings pitched setting:
Repeat this procdure for all reports which use an ERA calculation.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2009-11-24 18:42
For an overall report, the following would be put in the Result field (edit report mode, add new field):
(sum(s.Single+s.Double+s.Triple+s.HomeRun+s.Walks+s.HitByPitch)*1.0/sum(s.Plate)) + ((sum(s.Single)+2*sum(s.Double)+3*sum(s.Triple)+4*sum(s.HomeRun))*1.0/sum(s.Plate-s.Walks-s.HitByPitch-s.Sacrifice))
You also want to make sure the Format is: #0.000
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2009-11-24 18:31
After you add the new player (Players -> Add Player menu item), follow these steps:
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2009-11-24 18:34
Catchers interference can happen when a batter swings and the bat strikes the catchers glove or helmet. It does not count as an official at-bat but does count as an error on the catcher. Here is the full description from Wikipedia:
Catcher's interference is called when the catcher physically hinders the batter's opportunity to legally swing at a pitched ball. This occurs most often when a catcher squats too close to home plate, so that the batter's bat touches the catcher's glove as the batter swings. This is most likely to happen on attempted steals where the catcher is anxious to catch the ball as soon as possible and may move his entire body or glove forward a bit.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2009-11-24 18:45
Yes, but it can get complicated. If you are familiar with SQL this will come naturally. If not, then feel free to make a request.
For the problem above, this will create what you are looking for (The Result field when editing a report):
p.first || " " || p.last || " " || "(" || (s.Single+s.Double+s.Triple+s.HomeRun) || "-" || (s.Plate-s.Walks-s.HitByPitch-s.Sacrifice) || (CASE WHEN s.Double=1 THEN ", 2B" ELSE (CASE WHEN s.Double>1 THEN ", " || s.Double || " 2B" ELSE "" END) END) || (CASE WHEN s.Triple=1 THEN ", 3B" ELSE (CASE WHEN s.Triple>1 THEN ", " || s.Triple || " 3B" ELSE "" END) END) || (CASE WHEN s.HomeRun=1 THEN ", HR" ELSE (CASE WHEN s.HomeRun>1 THEN ", " || s.HomeRun || " HR" ELSE "" END) END) || (CASE WHEN s.RBI=1 THEN ", RBI" ELSE (CASE WHEN s.RBI>1 THEN ", " || s.RBI || " RBIs" ELSE "" END) END) || (CASE WHEN s.Runs=1 THEN ", Run" ELSE (CASE WHEN s.Runs>1 THEN ", " || s.Runs || " Runs" ELSE "" END) END) || ")"
You can also go to the Statbook Downloads Page and import a similar example report (See the More Reports download link)
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2009-11-24 18:58
Yes, you can get the 'Totals' line in the correct format by following these steps:
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2009-11-24 19:01
You would add a statistic and call it "PosInn7", for example. See the short video which shows how to add a statistic from this link: http://statbook.pachysoft.com/helpvideos.html
After you add the stat, you will need to then add it to the report (video shows this as well).
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-03-08 19:21
You would add a statistic and call it "PosInn7", for example. See the short video which shows how to add a statistic from this link: http://statbook.pachysoft.com/helpvideos.html
After you add the stat, you will need to then add it to the report (video shows this as well).
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-03-08 19:22
Yes, this was an oversight and , yes, this can be fixed. All reports and fields can be edited by selecting a report and selecting the Reports -> Edit Reports menu item (or by double-clicking on a report or field).
To fix this particular problem, do the following steps:
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-04-28 16:56
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-04-28 16:43
You need to show the "Order" field before you can move players around.
There was an alert message that warned about this but it also gave an option of not showing the message again (which I am assuming was
So, to fix:
The order field will now be shown and moving players around will now stick.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-04-28 16:47
There was a problem with rounding in earlier formulas for the teriary IP favorites. This is now fixed in versions 3.3 or higher.
To fix this problem is files created in versions 3.2.2 or less, do the following steps:
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2011-06-02 17:31
Yes. Select the report (e.g., Game Results) and check the "Record wTies" field in the Fields list. If you have removed this field, then you will need to edit the report and select "Record" from the field list and then enter in the following for the 'Result' field:
(SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN g2.Result like 'W%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) || "-" || SUM(CASE WHEN g2.Result like 'L%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) || "-" || SUM(CASE WHEN g2.Result like 'T%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM Games g2 WHERE g2.GameNo <= g.GameNo)
And then make sure you save the report. You can also simply select 'Record (with Ties) from the Favorites list.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2011-06-02 17:30
I don't think so. But you can easily create one:
For example, duplicate an "Overall - Exhibition" report, edit the report and modify the "Additional Instructions" to have:
instead of:
For a non-league game, you could do something like this:
You can also view other examples from the following default reports:
Overall - Exhibition
Overall - Pitching
Overall - Post-Season
Overall - Pitching (Post)
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2011-04-22 18:56
Currently this is not an option. But you can simply save the file as a new file, then remove all the games, and now you have all the custom stats (and reports) set up like you want.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-04-28 17:06
The roster report is actually a roster for a game. Therefore, it requires at least one game to be entered.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-04-28 17:08
You would simply show them as not playing that game (Played checkbox) in the statistics input area (under Games input).
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-04-28 17:09
Here are the steps:
NOTE: This is assuming the GameNo fields for the Games are consecutive and correctly named.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2011-04-22 18:53
You can re-order the input by selecting the row and then dragging it to the position you like.
After you set it up how you want it for for one game, simply select that game and then, with the game selected, add a new game (e.g. select the '+' button). This will add a new game with the same order (among other attributes.)
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-04-28 17:26
First, duplicate a report, for example one of the Overall reports. Then you would add something like the following to the 'Additional Instructions' field, assuming a game with the date exists:
WHERE g.GameDate = '2008-03-08'
Or you could pick all games in March of 2008 with the following:
WHERE g.GameDate >= '2008-03-01' AND g.GameDate <= '2008-03-31'
Or, selected games, like:
WHERE g.GameDate = '2008-03-01' AND g.GameDate = '2008-03-08' AND g.GameDate = '2008-03-10'
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-04-28 18:48
This issue has been fixed in version 3.3.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-04-28 18:52
APP stands for appearances or number of times a pitcher appears in a game.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-05-03 18:51
From the "Preferences" panel, under "Report Popup Menu Options", you will need to modify the "Filter" option under the "Game (Boxscore) Type column. The default is "<none>" which shows boxscores for all games. To allow for only League and Post-season game types, select:
WHERE GameType = 'League' OR GameType = 'Post-Season'
To allow for a custom Game Type, you can type in the combination box something like:
WHERE GameType = 'League' OR GameType = 'Tournament'
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-06-19 18:04
You are confusing Plate Appearances (PA) with At Bats (AB). AB's are calculated from PA's.
From this Wikipedia Article:
AB—At bat: Batting appearances, not including bases on balls, hit by pitch, sacrifices, interference, or obstruction.
PA—Plate appearance: number of completed batting appearances.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-06-19 19:42
Yes, but it would be best to create a new field and use something like this in the 'Result' field:
s.minutes || ':' || s.seconds
This also means you have created a stat called 'seconds'.
Author: Serg
Last update: 2011-02-06 18:16
To view/print lineup reports or rosters you must first create at least one game. the thinking here is that each game may have a different lineup.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2011-03-10 19:23
Yes. There are multiple ways to do this but the easiest is to update the Additional Instructions area of a duplicated report. Here's how to do this:
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2011-04-09 16:39
So, the "Additional Instructions" field in near the top-left of the Edit Reports window (right below the two check-boxes, "Show Totals" and "Group With Next".
To get to the Edit Reports window, either double-click on a report (or a report field) or select a report and then choose the Reports -> Edit Reports... menu item.
To have a "League" only report, you would put this text in the "Additional Instructions" field (making sure "GROUP BY p.ID" is a separate line):
Where g.GameType="League"
The Pitching report would look like this:
WHERE s.pitched='1' AND g.GameType="League"
Let's go one step further and say you want a League report but only show the "Active" players on your roster. This would look like:
Where g.GameType="League" AND p.Active='1'
The Pitching report would not need to change since an inactive player should not have pitched.
Now let's say you want to a report that shows the last 5 games, for League games only:
Where g.GameType="League" AND p.Active='1' AND s.gameID IN (SELECT g.id FROM games g ORDER BY g.gameNo DESC LIMIT 0,5)
Last 2 games would look like:
Where g.GameType="League" AND p.Active='1' AND s.gameID IN (SELECT g.id FROM games g ORDER BY g.gameNo DESC LIMIT 0,2)
Changed the '5' to a '2'
For Non-League reports, simply replace "League" in the above examples with "Non-League".
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2011-04-22 19:07
For overall reports, be sure SUM() is used for the formula in the 'Result' field (This is availabe when editing a field). So, from your example, the result field would look like:
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2012-02-03 18:06
NOTE: These steps are for the Baseball template. For other sports, the menu items may have different names but the method is identical.
Author: Paul
Last update: 2009-11-24 18:26
If you download the sample file, it shows three "sets" being used: Hitting, Fielding and Positions. Basically it allows you to organize your input variables.
For example, you may want to assign positions before the game is played. After it is played you would then enter in hitting and fielding stats. Sets allow you to quickly toggle between the different input groups instead of trying to jam in all the inputs onto one screen.
Link to sample file: http://statbook.pachysoft.com/download.html
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2009-11-24 18:19
You may also want to take a look at the sample file from the Statbook Downloads Page. From this file:
From a new (default) file, the "Positions" set is not a saved set but can be created using the following procedure:
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2009-11-24 18:40
Please see this FAQ on how to add a player to a previous game:
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-11-05 00:09
To copy Batting Order: If you first select any game and then add a new game, the batting order is used from the selected game.
To Copy all other data, including positions, you simple create a Duplicate of the game (Reports -> Duplicate Reports menu item). To keep only positions, you would zero out/clear the other statistics.
You can quickly to this by entering 0's or blanks in the top row and then entering into "Selection Mode" (Edit -> Selection Mode menu item). Drag to select all the top row and then choose the Edit -> Fill Down menu item.
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2011-04-09 16:37
From the documentation pages, please see this link: http://statbook.pachysoft.com/Documentation/Help/inputLists.html
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2012-09-28 15:47
After you add the new player (Players -> Add Player menu item), follow these steps:
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2009-11-24 18:34
Please see this FAQ on how to add a player to a previous game:
Author: Statbook
Last update: 2010-11-05 00:09